I had pretty high expectations for my first ever Broken Social Scene show, and Kevin Drew, Brendan Canning and company didn't disappoint. What i thought was great about the set was how diverse it was, probably reflecting the varied styles of their latest album, Forgiveness Rock Record, which they mostly covered that night. Broken Social Scene are generally known for their crazy diversity and range live though, so maybe it was the album that reflected that.
Either way, this was a great gig. They opened with probably my favourite song off FRR, World Sick. And it works as a great opener, starting off understated, everyone feeling their way in almost like in a jam, before it builds and builds and finally creeps up into a full blown stadium rocker. The set picked up speed with songs like Texico Bitches and Forced to Love, surely some of the catchiest stuff they've ever written. What maybe hit me was how much fun the gig was, Drew and Canning were in a great mood and hamming it up to the crowd.
But it was in the quieter moments where they really shone as a band. Songs like Lover's Spit, Sweetest Kill, Anthems. Lover's Spit, in particular, was a thing of beauty. Starting with just Kevin Drew on the keys and some heavy reverb on his voice, the band slowly joined in one by one, on some really subtle harmonica, sax and trumpet, as they brought it to a breathtaking and heart-breaking climax. "Love the one you're with, ladies and gentlemen." It was something special.
I think this gig convinced me that the way to hear Broken Social Scene is live. One of the best live bands around.
From the set: Lover's Spit
And it was probably your favourite because it was the only song you knew (;
hey i knew texico bitches at the time too okay :P lovers spit on youtube got me after awhile.. still kinda turned off by the lyrics though!! haha godd im so lazy to continue writing this
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