Just like i'll always remember the feeling when i read the post announcing In Rainbows, i won't forget the moment i saw this. I was alone at a bench in school, just as well so nobody could see me go nuts. I think i even did a double fist pump. Then Gwen called to spaz. And i called HP and made her realise we have a chance to see them tour when we're on exchange!!
They've released it much the same way as they did for 2007's In Rainbows, totally quiet and unexpected and totally causing a worldwide internet meltdown. This time there's no 'pay what you want', but that wasn't the most important thing about the In Rainbows release anyway. The most important thing is that on Saturday (when the mp3s arrive after you pre-order the album), everyone in the world, fans, media, critics, bloggers, torrenters etc, all get to hear the album at the same time. No advance copies, no leaks. Everyone gets to hear it at the same time, and react at the same time. That collective experience online just can't be found anywhere else. And just like 07's Discbox, they're releasing it with a special physical version with unique Stanley Donwood artwork and packaging. This time its called a 'Newspaper' album.
The artwork looks like the darkest its been since, well maybe Hail to the Thief. That combined with the slightly creepy title, and i'm anticipating a foreboding, dark album. Which would be surprising after In Rainbows. About the title, the "King of Limbs" seemed odd initially, but i'm warming to it. It's slightly grotesque and sinister on one hand, and on the other it might be referring to a 1000 year old oak tree in England (scroll down to the middle), which is now kind of obvious, with all the trees and twisted branches in the artwork.
But regardless of everything else, its the music that counts. Unlike previous albums, there haven't been any tours where the band tested the songs live. Although Thom did play new songs on his solo shows, we still don't know how they sound like with the full band behind them. This might be the least "prepared" i've been for a new Radiohead album, and i'm fucking excited about that! There are murmurs going around that the album will be 8 tracks long, and it's killing me thinking about which 8 are going to be on there. New ones like Give Up The Ghost or The Present Tense? Remake of an unreleased classic a la Nude? The long awaited Burn The Witch? I can't fuckin wait for Saturday.
Obviously this is the biggest news for me of the year, maybe since Aphex Twin coming to Singapore. Got me out of my blogs hiatus for abit. Oh i know my top ten 2010 gigs list failed quite miserably, i do intend to get them up in backlog though. But for now, my plan is to abstain from any Radiohead until Saturday. 2011 can't get any better.
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