January 6, 2010


#5: Crystalised by The xx

If you believe the hype around the online community, The xx were the best new band 2009 produced. And while many self-appointed internet critics (myself included) throw hyperbole around way too easily, there's plenty of evidence to back up that claim. Their debut album xx was unlike any other this year. Sparse and airy yet so intimate and melodic, it is an album that grows on you slowly, drawing you in.

Crystalised does exactly that. The guitars and bass slide around each other, appearing and disappearing, embracing and then pushing each other away. Kinda like the two lovers in the song.


charlie said...

checked back here after so long and you're not done! heh she looks like drew barrymore in this picture. they're here on feb 7th, excitedexcited.

snoopy said...

shes chioer than drew barrymore leh. haha ure going for xx?? im too broke liao :(