December 16, 2009

My Top Twenty Tracks of 2009!

The holiday season is upon us, and we are about to see the back of another year but somehow things feel barely different from twelve months back, and i don't feel very festive at all. That said, i am enjoying this time of the year very much, spending time with my friends, playing with my new ebow(!), eating, lazing around doing nothing at all etc etc. But for want of something more productive to do, and seeing how i love year end lists (even though they mostly mean squat), i present to you.. Mokio's totally interesting, and unpretentious, top twenty songs of 2009!!

Before i jinx myself even more, i guess i should include a disclaimer that this probably isn't the most accurate review of the year in music, just my favourite twenty songs that happened to be released this year. In fact, looking back i haven't listened to too much new music at all this year, between work in the first half of the year and school in the second, been too busy/lazy to keep totally up to date and listen to new records.. but regardless, here's a countdown of my top twenty songs this year. Man the year has passed quickly hasn't it!

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