December 29, 2009


#9: Everyone Is Guilty by Akron/Family

Akron/Family are a band that always throw me off whenever i listen to them. I find myself consistently thinking "WTF?", and that's a good thing. And this song is a perfect example, it's almost like their party manifesto.

It covers alot of ground, from that groovy riff at the start, prog rock-ish beat, their familiar chanting and harmonies, to a fucking awesome guitar solo at the breakdown, a brass section, strings at the end etc. It's almost like a microcosm of Akron/Family as a band, so many different things together that shouldn't work on paper, but just do. So different, so weird but so, so awesome.

The best part is how when your face has just been melted to bits by the solo, the song just segues back effortlessly into that groove like nothing happened.

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