September 10, 2008


At about 2pm Singapore time today, the switch on the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland will be turned on. I first read about this in June when Radiohead played their new song 'Supercollider' and everyone was speculating what it was about. Said to be the world's largest scientific experiment ever, it is actually a particle accelerator housing a 27km track where they will attempt to beam protons to close to the speed of light, and perform different experiments such as colliding two such beams. They hope the collision will uncover an even smaller particle, the Higgs-Boson particle, which has been theorized about as what gives mass to sub atomic particles but has never been observed. Apparently the discovery of this holy grail of cosmic science would help scientists gain a better understanding of things like antimatter, different extra dimensions and dark matter. Whoa?

Anyway what i found really interesting were what the opponents and critics of the LHC said. They claimed because no experiment of such scale had been performed before that turning the machine on might cause unforeseen circumstances that could threaten our very existence (cue dramatic Star Wars music). One theory was that the collisions would create rogue particles that would eventually form a black hole and swallow the Earth.

Back to Radiohead's new song, on further analysis it actually does fit the theme pretty well. Forming into dots.. in a green light, in a wormhole.. to let the shadows back into their boxes. Can't wait for a full band version of this.. or is there one already i'm not sure.

Radiohead - Supercollider (Live in Dublin) / Video

Edit: it is now 3.36pm, so i guess we're safe. Or maybe we've already all disappeared and this is all the imagining of my consciousness, floating somewhere in space.. either way i guess this potential end of the world is a good excuse to ask to go off work early today!

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