May 18, 2009

Grizzly Bear's Veckatimest

I must say i've been really surprised with Grizzly Bear's new album Veckatimest, which officially comes out next week, although many a copy has been floating around the internet. Though i'd seen and heard all this hype about it, i'd secretly doubted whether it would click for me. You see, i've been listening to their previous album Yellow House on and off for ages, and it never clicked. Yeah it was really pretty in parts and sounded very different, however nothing from the songs grabbed at me at all. I classed it as a 'grower' but after awhile i think i just gave up.

Then came Veckatimest. After reading one glowing review too many, and seeing all the hype (ie them supporting Radiohead on tour and Jonny calling them his favourite band), i decided to give it a listen. Opener 'Southern Point' sounded jazzy and pretty, but i immediately went back to my Yellow House doubts. Then.. came 'Two Weeks'. It hit me like a wave of relief, with its beautiful harmonies, amazing instrumentation and that hook! I think i'm not exaggerating when I say it's one of the best songs of 2009 so far.

It sets the tone for the rest of this gorgeous record, and it gave me the patience to listen abit more carefully. And i heard something special pop out of each track at me, subtly pulling me in with all the amazing little details. Really beautiful. I can't wait to get a copy. And i also can't wait to get back to the Yellow House.

grizzly bear - two weeks


On an unrelated note, my vote for best youtube video of the century:

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