September 6, 2008

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - F# A# ∞

The ultimate 'end of the world' album.

The Canadian band GY!BE didn't so much create songs and an album but a masterful composition spanning three tracks and about an hour, with about 5 movements in each track. From the first movement the narrator sets the tone of an apocalyptic landscape ;The buildings tumbled in on themselves, mothers clutching babies.. the skyline was beautiful on fire, and the violins soar like you've never heard before.

From then on, each movement tells its own story of the coming end, each outlining emotions like fear, desolation and little rare pockets of hope (the drums rushing in at the end of the last track, amazing). The heavy guitar feedback, creaking atmospheres and the occasional silence etc combine to create the most tension you will ever hear coming out of your speakers. While there are references to the failure of technology and the corrupt government, there's no direct message in the end, and i guess they let the listener decide what 'happens' or what they mean.

The best way to listen to this: turn off the lights and crawl into bed, put on your headphones, pull up the covers, and listen. Let the strings soar and then crackle, and let the reverb swallow you up. Then wonder: when the apocalypse comes, will it be this beautiful?

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - F# A# Infinity / (torrent)

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