May 4, 2013

Donkey rhubarb

Looking back, I honestly can't believe its been four years since i posted this post, looking forward to entering university and thinking about the transitions in life. And here i am, just finished a paper and with one final one to go before (hopefully) graduating and moving on to whatever life has next in store for me.

I wrote in that post how i have a fear of letting time go by too quickly and while these 4 years feel like they've passed by in a flash, on some level it doesn't feel too bad because they've been a good 4 years. Hindsight's 20/20 and all that.. but they really have. I've found some things i wanted, not found some things i wanted, found some things i didn't know i wanted. I found perspective, i found a way forward, i found opportunities and let some slip. (the word "found" is beginning to look really weird to me)

I've held on to the relationships that mean so much to me and made more along the way, and i'll continue with the knowledge that these deserve more of my time than almost anything else. I've done things i would never have dreamt of doing, i've had crazy experiences (if you were to tell me in 2009 that in the next 4 years i would've seen Radiohead 5 times, i would've laughed in your face) I've made amazing memories, not just the crazy ones but the quiet ones i'll remember.

I'm not sure i have a point here but probably just wanted to record my thoughts and how grateful i am and should be; firstly to God, and also everyone and everything else that makes my life my life.

I know i haven't been treating this blog very well, but its seen me through quite a few years now and hopefully many more. Now, for some pastoral happy tunes that've seen me through this exam period..

four tet - she just likes to fight
aphex twin - mookid
edwin montgomery - oh life!
boards of canada - dayvan cowboy
aphex twin - lichen
kraftwerk - franz schubert

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww =)