September 8, 2010

Probably just dreaming

I think i'm in love
Probably just horny

I think i'm your friend
Probably just lonely

I think i can fly
Probably just falling

I think i'm the life and soul
Probably just snorting

I think i'm alive
Probably just breathing


I think Jason Pierce was truly inspired when he wrote "I Think I'm In Love" for Spiritualized's 1997 space rock opus Ladies and Gentlemen We are Floating in Space. He was probably just high on something though. In fact, he and the band probably were for the whole album, because the album is like one gigantic, amazing acid trip. It staggers and swirls from addiction to withdrawal, from love to loss, from isolation to ecstacy, from the blissful heartache of the title track straight into the thundering roar of "Come Together". Its fast becoming one of my favourite albums of all time.

"I Think I'm In Love" itself sounds like what one would expect to feel while shooting up, or getting high (or whatever you want to call taking drugs). The first couple of minutes gaze around dreamily, before the song kicks into gear and you can almost see the bright colors moving in a kaleidoscope. And then come the confused (or enlightened?) lyrics at the start of this post. Reality of life, or drug induced babble?

Spiritualized - I Think I'm In Love (mp3 / video)

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