September 22, 2009

Feeling Pulled Apart By Horses

I just got my free download of Thom Yorke's new EP along with the news my vinyl has been sent, can't wait to get it in a months time, bah. I'd been putting off listening to the leaks the past few days just so i could listen to proper 320kbps versions and i was really excited but honestly on first listens i thought 'meh'. Well maybe my laptop speakers weren't doing the songs justice but i'd been reading alot of comments about how Thom 'killed old Reckoner' etc etc and i feared the worst when it sounded like he had just thrown on some Eraser-esque beats and production and called it a day. But i put on my headphones and listened more times and suddenly i could hear so many things going on at the same time. The song's really growing on me quickly.

The guitar riff from the old Reckoner has morphed into a wicked bassline, and a groovy section replaces the old chorus. Thom's also found an awesome beat thats really catchy, the electronic clicks go well with the stuttering snares. And i love the synths that come in at the end, some people call it cheesy and i can see why but i really like it, sounds all super nintendo videogame-y, awesome. I kind of wish he kept the bassline going strong through out, it sorta blends in after awhile.

On first play, the second song 'The Hollow Earth' seemed like b-side material. But now it's really starting to grow on me too, the vocal melody is really sweet and catchy, the bass drives the song (again i wish the drums didn't cover it so much) and those beats especially at the end, very catchy again. I like Thom's random muttering too, reminds me of the old Reckoner. The song ends abit abruptly though.

Thom Yorke just played a song live webcast over the internet for the Age of Stupid global premiere, but i can't seem to get any live streams to work. He said he was going to play Reckoner, just wonder if its the old or new one. (EDIT: heres the video)

Also, Thom's contribution to the New Moon soundtrack has been announced as a new track called "Hearing Damage". The movie may be dodgy but the people in charge of the soundtrack sure did their job well! Thom Yorke, Bon Iver, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Grizzly Bear and more.. hmm at least now the teeny bopper vampire flick now has something going for it in my books besides Kristen Stewart!

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