July 26, 2009


I just got back from Moderat live and my ears are still buzzing. Much thanks to HP for the invite haha.

The setting was pretty curious, an empty warehouse turned into a club for a night, cool lasers and everything. And Moderat simply blew everyone away. We were right in front of them, right beside the large ass speakers so we could hear every bass thump, every snare and every beat. It was awesome.

Moderat is a combination of Modeselektor and Apparat, and i hadn't had much of their material to listen to yet except a couple of songs, but even the songs i didn't recognize were brilliant. I loved their breakdowns and the way they cut back seamlessly, and i thought Apparat's guitar work was cool too. The highlights for me were the opener, A New Error, and Rusty Nails as well, really catchy stuff!

And yeah the light show was freaking cool. After the set we went to the side to try to get pictures and they were totally brilliant, Szary was really friendly. I can't believe i took a picture with Modeselektor. But yeah apparently Szary said they'd consider coming back to Singapore to play as Modeselektor. (!)

I can't really think straight with this buzzing in my ear so i'll leave it at that. Pictures to follow.

EDIT: Pictures are up here. I still can't believe i shook Modeselektor's hands. Gernot and Szary were brilliant. Videos up on youtube by ariddesert87.

A New Error

Rusty Nails

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