I personally think this is one of the most beautiful things ever put to tape. It is a song written delicately and simply, but which carries such poignant beauty. And the album on a whole, Selected Ambient Works Volume II, is just amazing. Its lucid sounds can go from terrifyingly cold to unbelievably beautiful. When i started listening to its tracks they were often in the background of my mind, seemingly not making an impression, but now it seems they have slowly but surely bled and flowed into my consciousness, gripping my mind. I think with this record, Richard D James (aka Aphex Twin) confirmed his status as not only the world's premier electronic musician, but also one of the modern composers of our time.
This is the only video i could find of Rhubarb, the track's a little shorter, but it has a homemade video which does match the mood of the song somewhat.
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