June 28, 2008

The power i afford unto you

Some of the new favourites on my playlist. For my continuing education. (the weather is hot today isn't it)

Sigur Rós - Með suð í eyrum (With a buzz in our ears) / Swirling (half-)title track from their new album. Doesn't feel like anything new, but it is so pretty and tranquil. By the way, Nationalgeographic.com will be webcasting the entire Náttúra concert in Iceland on 28 June (roughly early tomorrow morning in this part of the world), featuring BOTH Sigur Rós and Björk. No need to sleep tonight then.

Massive Attack - Angel / First track off 1998's Mezzanine, often described as one of the pinnacles of trip hop, although you can't really pigeonhole this album. Like the album, it is dark, distorted, with great haunting samples and vocals. Love the rocking climax as well. Has the 'driving' feeling that i've talked about before.

One Little Plane - Sunshine Kid / Abit of a contrast, but here's some acoustic pop by One Little Plane. Easy listening, cute and catchy, and with the Colin Greenwood stamp of approval. Her Four Tet-produced album is out on the 30th of June.

Bob Dylan - Ballad of a Thin Man / From the classic Highway 61, which the more I listen to, the more I think might be the angriest album ever recorded. Dark, haunting song where Dylan places a mystery adversory 'Mr Jones' into a nightmarish, hallucinatory, circus world and watches him crumble under it. Unbelievably great song.

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